Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Map Your Own Life

Todays post will be a bit shorter. I hope that you had a chance to read yesterdays and have taken the time to sit and think about it. Without knowing what your actual goals and dreams are, you'll feel like you're just floundering in a stormy sea.  I thought it might be a good idea to give us a little more time with this. I know that we're all busy at this time of year so it might be hard to find the time, but I hope you will. Even if it's while you're laying in bed before you fall asleep. Maybe it will have to be a series of 5 minute slots here and there. Whatever works for you. 

With all of the busyness that we feel, somehow still, the voices of uncertainty and sadness and dread still manage to show up. Especially if you're dealing with broken relationships and hurts that involve family. Thanksgiving is only a few days away now and I'm sure (just like me) that it's bringing up some difficult feelings etc.

Yesterday I had a little setback myself. An email arrived from an extended family member that brought up a lot of  wounds and questions. It seemed harmless enough but then, there it was, bubbling to the surface. All of the hurt and anger and unanswered questions about why? I spent a good part of my day going over all of it in my mind again and again. That's how this poison works. 

Well, I decided that I could let myself sit there in the sadness or I could look at my goals and stay focused on them. So I did. It's surprisingly easy if you just try. That's not to say that I have forgotten how I feel. It's just that now, it's not the main things I'm thinking about. It's the side thing and I don't need to let it destroy any more of my day. Whenever I catch myself starting to think about it again, I just smile and refocus my attention on my dreams and goals. They feel so happy and light, it makes my mood change almost immediately. 

Thanksgiving is a wonderful time to be thinking about the things that we're thankful for and maybe we can start with this.......an amazing gift.......

God has given us the opportunity to recreate our lives. To follow our dreams and to be truly happy! 

It may take a little work but it's there for the taking and I am so so  thankful for that! 

So today, (if you haven't already) try to take some time to decide what you want for your life.  Then, we'll head off on this road together for the best adventure yet! 

"There is no greater gift you can give or receive than to honor your calling. It's why you were born. And how you become most truly alive."                                Oprah

For those of you that are struggling, I mentioned earlier that I would be available if you need a listening ear, or a question answered or if you're just having a hard time. I'm including my email address here (in code so I don't get a bunch of spam)

capturingwishes (at symbol) aol (dot com)

Please feel free to contact me.  If you need to talk, I'm really here and it's no bother at all. I would be honored. 


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