Monday, November 1, 2010

Holiday Hurts

Today is the first day of November, which now, in the year 2010, signals the start of everything Thanksgiving and Christmas.  It's only 2PM and I've already seen a few Christmas commercials.  Todays mail contained a Christmas catalog which is not the first I've received this fall. I even saw a home with their Christmas tree up and lit over the weekend. Yes, the panic set in with the thought of all that I had to do and how upon seeing that... I felt late.  I had to stop and remind myself that it's only October 31st! 

 I happen to love both holidays so I'm OK with this early appearance. Thanksgiving has always been a favorite holiday as it was about family and thankfulness and it also was the official start of the Christmas season.  

But, for many of us, the holidays are the start of an awful and painful reminder that our lives or our families are not what we hoped they would be.  Mid-December brings the acknowledgement of this with hotlines advertised for those of us that are hurting during this otherwise happy time of year.  The problem is..... now that Halloween is over, people that are hurting are already aware that the dreaded holidays are not very far away. It's in the back of their minds waiting to be dealt with when there is no other choice (the week of Thanksgiving and the week of Christmas). It grows bigger and bigger as the days pass.

 For the most part, those around us are unaware of our thoughts. Occasional jokes may be made about the problems too. Maybe lightening it up, will help to make it hurt less they think.  Or if a person is at the complete end of their ropes, they can call a hotline for help.  So few of us actually have someone to talk to about these hurts. Or the hurts have been so deep, close friends or family are overwhelmed and don't know what to say to help anymore. And then there are so many that never let anyone know that they are struggling. 

Why do we keep our hurts so hidden I wonder? Is it embarrassment or shame? Is it a fear of not being believed? Is it that we think no one will care or understand?  It could be all of the above.  So what do we do? 

I believe that there is an answer and now is the time to find it!  It is possible and likely to have a wonderful Thanksgiving and Christmas AND to start 2011 on a very good footing as we head into our happy new lives!

So where do we begin? Each blog entry that I intend to write will be a guide on how to get there for all of us. Some will be funny, some not. Many are things that I have personally found success with and many are new ideas that I believe to be helpful and true.  No matter how big or little you think your struggles are, I hope you will find help here. Band related or personal. If it's important to you, it's important to me.  Please feel free to write to me (my email is listed in a way that will hopefully keep spam to a minimum). I would love to hear from you and I do care.  My email address is capturingwishes (at symbol) aol (dot com)

I'm going to start here with the first exercise. 
I believe that the one person that you can depend on is yourself!  The sad part is that most wounded people don't have any confidence in themselves.  So this is where we will begin.  You can't control how other people are but you can control yourself and I think that God wants us to realize this. He will help guide us along if we just listen. 
When your self esteem has been beaten down, no one can build it up but YOU.  I know that you're probably thinking....oh great....I can't....I don't have the strength.....I'm too beaten down and why do I have to do the work? If you really stop and think about it though....your power has been taken from you and this is the way to get it back. It's a step towards the life YOU really want.  If you listen, God will guide you and you are worth it! 

Todays exercise is an easy one although it may be very uncomfortable too and that's OK (good in fact).

Read the quote below and either print it or write it out on a piece of paper or many pieces of paper.   Put this paper where you will see it often.  Maybe on your mirror, taped to the dashboard of your car, taped to your computer screen or even on the front of your cell phone.  Read it often and start to accept it into your thoughts, as truth!  Fight off the voices in your head that are telling you it's not true. THEY ARE LYING!!!   Don't stop until you start to believe it as truth,  because it is!!!!  ALLOW YOURSELF TO ACCEPT IT!   Remind yourself often because the doubts will try to surface until you have overruled them with this truth.  Make this your new view of yourself.
This is where the new you begins!   : )  
  (Yes, I am quoting Buddha-a good thought is a good thought!)


"You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection."
—  Buddha

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